A life is worth living if it is empowered, energized and proactive. We are the sole driver of our destiny, and happiness is nothing but a state of mind in which we steer our way through the labyrinth of time. Get my latest book "Mind Your Qi (with Feng Shui), Find Your Luck (with Ba Zi) by clicking the image below.
Friday, June 16, 2023
Thursday, January 19, 2023
The Way of Destiny - Part 2
“When things are going our way, we go with the flow.”
“When things are not going our
way, we take it easy.”
These are the simple rules to
live by. Yes, the rules are simple but why make things complicated? If life is to be like water, we would all be
flowing in a sea of change, whether we like it or not. Water is always flowing
even if it seems calm on the surface. We should learn to adapt by being
flexible like water. In time of change, resistance is futile and the best we
can do is to channel our effort towards it and by doing so, we can move in the
path of least resistance.
We have the resource that is in
our head to think of ways to manage change. The resource within us can empower
us to face change with courage and not be deterred by it. This is important for
the sake of progress because when we embrace change, we pick up new skills and
knowledge that contribute to our success. Our survival depends on our ability
to adapt to change but we can only be truly successful if we thrive at what we
do despite our preconceived notion and dogmas. This is where our habits and
character can be our stumbling blocks to change.
To change our destiny, we need to
change our character, our ability and desire. These are three factors that are
interwoven into our psyche and mindset. It was postulated that whatever the
mind perceives and believes, it can achieve. However, for our thoughts to
become a reality, it takes more than just wishful thinking and determination.
We need to use our ability and feed our desire to be the person of our dream
even though we are the embodiment of our own character. It is an uphill task
and go against the flow of nature when we try to change our destiny.
Destiny cuts across four
dimensions in the realms of human endeavours – the physical, mental, emotion
and spiritual. Each of the three factors involve all or some of these
dimensions where time and space exist. Everything in life is time and space. We
cannot manage time, but we can manage the activities within a timeframe and
space. This is where our mindset is a playground of hopes, dreams, desires, and
aspirations. When we change our focus, we change our thoughts to produce an
outcome. Our mind is the centre of life force known as Qi. Where our thoughts
go, Qi follows. To flow with Qi, we need to be like water. Being flexible and
adaptable to change, we are not bound by conventions, dogmas, or self-limiting
When the truth is revealed to us
in the form of change, we should accept it unconditionally and face it with
resourceful courage. The resources that nature has equipped us with in the form
of our physique, mind, emotion, and spirituality are for us to tapped into for
embracing change courageously. Only then can we hope to change our destiny for
the better.
Find out what you are made of at www.bazidestiny.yolasite.com