One day, you wake up and realize that your life is not turning out the way you expected.
Even though you are flying high in your career and money is pouring in but you do not seem to have the luxury of time to enjoy it, you're probably out of balance. If your hobbies and pet projects are depriving you from spending time with your friends and family, most likely your life is out of balance. If you are so caught up with other priorities in your life and ignore your health, you probably need a balance restoration. If you have the house, the car, the club, the holiday retreat but no one to share it with, your life is out of order.
Have you ever wondered whether you are living life too much on the edge or scurrying through life like there is no tomorrow? If you have, you should start to look at balancing life's priorities. Balance may sound good in theory but is hard to apply in "real" life unless you know how to tune into the energy within yourself and your living space by taking up meditation, Feng Shui or other life sciences.
With the constant pressure from work and families, it seem daunting to be able to empower oneself to accomplish all the things you would like to do. We may also stress ourselves by putting the needs of others ahead of our own. However, this may be a costly mistake in the long run. Nervous breakdown, burnout, depression and ill health are often the consequences for not making balance a priority in our lives.
History has proves that great leaders and successful individuals throughout time have somehow known intuitively, the importance of having balance in their lives. Instead of living to work, they worked to live. Along the way, they became much more enlightened, happy, well-rounded and balanced in their lives…characteristics which correlate to Success.
At this stage, you may be asking how you too, could achieve more balance in your life and hope for peace of mind and contentment that result from it. The first step is to find out which areas of your life are out of balance.
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